Winter can be tough at the best of times, but when household bills, energy costs and mortgages are all increasing at rates no one has seen in decades, the prospect of managing budgets and simply living from day to day can seem overwhelming for many.

This is why we’re coming together as a Charity to do everything we can to help our fire family over the coming months. We want to provide a safe space for you to share your concerns; to access information, resources and the right support for you and your family.

We also recognise the pressures that the cost of living challenges place on those in your communities, who you work to support every day. So, just as we were during the pandemic, we are ready to support you, should the way you support your communities change over the coming months.

Whatever challenges or pressures you’re facing, we want to help you and your families to develop strategies to keep you healthy and well as you face the cost of living storm.

Some of the ways we can help you:

  • Help with accessing financial support
  • Articles and information on managing your finances and looking after your wellbeing during challenging times, as well as that of your family
  • Online courses and resources on everything from debt management to stress and anxiety
  • Places on our dedicated Hope programme

You can find full details of all the ways we can support you over the coming weeks and months on our dedicated Cost of Living page.

On MyFFC, meanwhile, we have created a dedicated cost of living topic for you to follow, with a wealth of content and information.

Call us on: 0800 3898820

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Need a rest and recharge?

Here at The Fire Fighters Charity, we are developing our services to ensure we can offer anyone who may need some time out from the challenges of day-to-day life – no matter their age or stage in life – a break away and a chance to rest and recharge.

Find out more


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Cost of Living Hub

Find out how we can help you and your family over the challenging months ahead